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Weather you are stuck in a rut, needing to advance to a new level, or about to launch something new, there is great power in having an outside perspective for fresh results.  

Coaching the Lead Pastor and/or Executive Pastor
Create customized coaching from options such as focusing on systems, collaboration, reproducible tools to better equip your staff or lay leadership, tying discipleship into strategic plan, creating effective leadership pipe lines, leading your teams through long term planning and creating a master annual plan, effectively organizing your events and sermons which will naturally lead guest to deep assimilation, and a few dozen more options.

Leader Development
Working with specialized leaders/staff within the church that might be blessed with lots of talent and character, but struggle when it comes to effectively utilizing their potential. 

Leadership Training
Create customized leadership training days, giving your leadership teams the necessary tools to serve according to their calling. 

Bruce listens. His goal is to help us become the best “us” we can be. In the four days he was with us, his ministry experience and exposure helped us uncover and identify who we are, where we are going, and the steps needed to make that happen. It was beautiful to see God working in our planning sessions as we discovered truths about ourselves, and our unique place in the Kingdom. We are excited about the future and the work God has called us to do - and we are grateful for Bruce and his ongoing investment in our ministry.